12 reasons why we should swim more often in everyday life

1. Because swimming is a lot more effortless than we tell ourselves
Swimming is too difficult? Not really. It just depends on the right planning. You can pack the swimming bag the night before – and if you take it to work first, there is a much higher probability that you will actually go to the pool after work with lifeguard training.
When your motivation fails you, remember that the benefits of swimming far outweigh the effort.
2. Because the “gear” for swimming is minimal
Almost everyone who goes to the lake or beach in summer has a bikini, bathing suit or swimming trunks at home. And you don’t need much more than that: one or two towels, your flip flops or slippers, a drinking bottle and your shower stuff. That’s all that needs to find space in your swim bag. not much, right? There is even room for a fitness bar or for another prepared meal, a healthy meal prep with lifeguard training.
3. Because you kill two birds with one stone when you swim: power up and chat
When you’re not swimming alone, swimming can become more fun than exercise. Especially if your swimming motivation is rather moderate, a swimming partner is an advantage. He or she can really pull you along.
Together you can swim your laps, reflect on everyday life – and burn calories “by the way”.
Who knows: Maybe swimming together will even become your weekly after-work ritual.
4. Because swimming is one of the healthiest sports
And just because everyone knows that, that’s one of the best reasons. Because it doesn’t matter how much you weigh – the water carries you.
And because you only feel a tenth of your body weight in the water, you feel weightless.
This feels incredibly liberating and at the same time protects your joints. And if you swim (breaststroke) with the right technique , swimming is particularly good for your back – and can help against back pain. But swimming does even more with your body with lifeguard training.
- strengthens your heart muscle
- gets your circulation going
- improves your blood circulation
- trains your lungs
- strengthens your immune system
5. Because swimming is a total body workout
- You train your arms with the arm pull and your legs with the kick. For example, when you swim the breaststroke, you train your inner and outer thighs more. You train your back and abdominal muscles, i.e. the middle of your body, the entire time you swim.
Your bum doesn’t miss out either: When crawling, simply tense your buttocks while kicking your legs – that works wonders. 😉
Of course, when you swim you also train your physical condition – as with actually any endurance sport.
6. Because we can dive into the water and clear our heads
Feeling weightless in the water isn’t just a physical benefit, it’s also a mental one. When you dive underwater and listen to the sounds or concentrate on your swimming technique, get into a rhythm – and forget everything around you, you realize: your head is free. Perhaps swimming will also help you to organize your thoughts or to finally find a solution to everyday problems: Afterwards your head will be free.
7. Because different swimming techniques make the sport so varied
When it comes to swimming, many people think of the classic breaststroke. It is precisely the different swimming techniques that make the sport so varied. In addition to the breaststroke, there are three other swimming techniques, such as the front crawl. The front crawl is one of the fastest swimming techniques, because you create continuous drive through your movement when front crawling.
Another swimming technique is the back crawl. The back crawl looks very relaxed, while the body’s own buoyancy keeps you up – it’s more exhausting than you think. The nice thing is that you get a different perspective.
The fourth and most demanding swimming technique is the butterfly swim – also called “butterfly”. Incidentally, this swimming technique was initially considered a dynamic modification of the breaststroke, and it was not until 1953 that the World Swimming Federation decided to include the technique as the fourth official type of swimming with lifeguard training.
8. Because the feeling after swimming is awesome
Most of the time you don’t even notice what you’re doing while you’re swimming. Often you only feel it when you lift yourself out of the water with “slim” legs.
Your heavy arms and legs show you how much you’ve done in the water – and that feels good.
A great side effect: You burn a lot of calories while swimming – the exact amount depends on your intensity and your body weight.
9. Because swimming can be regenerative
In addition to sport, swimming can also be a form of regeneration.
For example, if you run regularly, you can include light swimming in your “training plan” as regenerative endurance training.
It sounds a little strange that swimming is used for regeneration after running, for example. Isn’t it also easy to run? no It’s actually not that easy to suddenly run slow and easy when you’re usually running at a certain pace. However, swimming is a balancing counterpart to running, precisely because you train and strain all muscle groups at the same time. Unlike running, however, the strain on swimming does not place any weight on the body, which is easy on your musculoskeletal system and joints. In addition, the gentle water movements and the warmth in the water have a massaging and relaxing effect on your muscles.
10. Because you can reward yourself on the spot after your swim
If you’ve worked hard in the pool, you’ve earned a reward afterwards. Perhaps treat yourself to a massage in the hot tub. Or you can enjoy the pleasant temperature on the heated bench, have a sip of water or an isotonic drink and simply lean back. Maybe you also feel like “real” wellness and you go to the sauna or have a massage. Do you prefer action to relaxation? Then go down the slide or jump from the 5 or 10 meter board. Just think about what’s good for you after your swim and whether you even feel like doing anything or just want to go home – that’s okay too.
11. Because you get really hungry after a swim
When you’ve really pushed yourself swimming, your body is screaming for nourishment. You often feel a real craving – and there’s a reason for that:
Your body loses energy because it compensates for the temperature difference between the water and the ambient temperature. And of course also because you move.
Now you can give your body back the energy and nutrients you burned off and sweated out. Maybe you made yourself a meal prep before that you can enjoy now. Or you make yourself a healthy soul food – maybe a delicious bowl . You can also drink an isotonic drink to rebalance your micronutrient balance with lifeguard training.
12. Because you sleep well after swimming
Swimming can help you, especially if you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. If you exhaust yourself swimming laps, you will be so exhausted afterwards that you will fall into bed exhausted and satisfied.