Do our kids need crypto education?

Do our kids need crypto education?
It is useful for children to learn something new about the world around them, and therefore it is impossible to ignore such an area as cryptocurrencies. Digital assets and blockchain have firmly entered our lives, and therefore it is necessary to acquaint the younger generation with these innovations. There are many different types of assets, so it is important to teach children to distinguish them from each other. weth price. So they will be able to understand what is the value of each type of asset, what is the scope of their application, and their practical use. Children should learn as much as possible about cryptocurrencies and crypto education and blockchain because these are new technologies. We allow teenagers to use gadgets and go online, so why hide the world of digital assets from them?
At first glance, the need for crypto education is undeniable. However, we turned to experts with this question and asked them how important crypto literacy is for the younger generation, and why it is necessary to introduce children to the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
Cryptocurrencies are not the future but are already a reality
Today, cryptocurrencies and blockchain are an integral part of our lives. They actively integrated into education, healthcare, economics, business, science and many other areas. Many children have heard about bitcoin and the fact that you can make money on the crypt. The task of adults is to explain to the younger generation what blockchain and digital assets are, since they may have to face it in practice very soon. Experts emphasize the importance of crypto-education, since crypto-assets are already modern realities, the very environment with which it is imperative to introduce a child.
Cryptocurrency is one of the components of financial literacy
Recently, parents have been very concerned about financial literacy. Today it is fashionable to send children from an early age to business schools, to teach them the basics of economics and introduce them to commodity-money relations using the simplest eve gelen turgutreis escort examples. All this is done so that in the future the child becomes a successful entrepreneur, opens his own business and does not know the need.
According to many experts, crypto-formation is an important component of financial literacy in modern realities, since crypto-currencies have taken pride of place in the economy of many countries along with traditional investment assets. And therefore, if we are to teach a child to handle finances, then we cannot ignore such a large area as the crypto industry.
Psychologist Elizaveta Filonenko emphasized that financial literacy is generally a weak side of both Russian family and school education. Children are not taught to purposefully understand and manage finances. xwp price The reason, as a rule, is the poor financial literacy of adults themselves and the lack of ideas among many that even small finances can be managed and benefited from it.
Crypto literacy
According to the expert, crypto literacy, as a newer field, is even more sensitive to this problem. For many adults, this is a dark forest and not only the state. But also the family is not very immersed in this topic and does not support the direction of crypto education. Nevertheless, literacy in this matter will definitely increase the child’s ability to adapt to the world. The ability to strategic financial thinking. Knowledge in this area. At least at a basic level, is now part of the general education of a person and. Of course, it is worth taking care that the child understands this.
head of the Intelion Data Systems sales department, emphasized that the formation of “crypto literacy” of the younger generation. As a component of their financial literacy (in the broadest sense of the concept), is an objectively necessary process. Obviously, understanding the processes and opportunities for investing in various blockchain tools in the future will be as necessary as. For example, today’s orientation in the mass of offers from banks to place funds in deposits.
The expert also noted that some advanced schools and specialized educational institutions are already adding basic information about the functioning of the crypto market. The principles of its pricing, the most popular cryptocurrencies, etc. To the existing courses “Financial Literacy” and “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship”.
Cryptocurrency opens up great prospects for the future of children
Separately, it is worth noting the importance of crypto education for the future of children. Today, specialists in the field of blockchain and cryptography are in great demand, and this trend will continue for several decades. If earlier everyone aspired to IT, today many dream of taking their place in the field of blockchain development. The crypto industry has a huge number of areas and areas that bring big profits. Everyone will be able to find their niche or profession to their liking. This is another strong argument in favor of why crypto education is so necessary for the younger generation.
Igor Chekun , CEO of Xtrey Group, provided some useful statistics. According to the expert, surveys in Russia and the world show that the lack of understanding of the technology that underlies cryptocurrencies, and, in general, the lack of sufficient knowledge for their comfortable use (primarily technical ones) create barriers to their application. According to a 2021 Economist survey of more than 3,000 people from different countries, 51% of respondents believe that lack of knowledge is the main barrier to using cryptocurrencies. In Russia, two years ago, only 23% of those surveyed knew at all what a cryptocurrency is.
Possibilities of using blockchains
At the same time, the expert added that given the attractiveness of the idea behind cryptocurrencies and the possibilities of using blockchains, as well as given the global rapid growth of this new market, the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain has very significant prospects. Probably, everything is moving towards the fact that in the foreseeable future, almost every person will constantly encounter elements of this market. Crypto literacy will allow you to comfortably and effectively use the market opportunities and benefit from its dynamics right now. The knowledge gained will allow to overcome the existing barriers to the use of blockchain technologies and products. Therefore, if we want the new generation to develop in line with modern trends, children need to be introduced to the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. In doing so, it must be borne in mind
Advanced Interdisciplinary Research
Head of the Blockchain Technologies Laboratory of the Idea Center for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research, believes that cryptoliteracy is very important, because. its knowledge by a wide consumer allows you to quickly promote projects based on blockchain technology, and this, in turn, will lead to an accelerated introduction into our lives of all those positive aspects of blockchain technology that will significantly improve our life.
The expert also added that children perceive everything new more easily. And they often become guides for their parents to the world of the latest technologies. Therefore, educating children is both the formation of a class of active and novelty-seeking consumers, and the acceleration of the process of getting to know the blockchain of their parents.
Future of finance
Igor Zakharov , CEO of DBX Digital Ecosystem, in turn noted that it is important for children to learn about the world in which they live. Teaching the younger generation how the world works will help them learn important life skills. Cryptocurrency is said to be the future of finance. Many recent developments in the field of cryptography and blockchain confirm the truth of this statement. Whether cryptocurrency takes over the financial system, or only part of it, or even remains just a niche, it is still very important for the younger generation to grow up with an understanding of what cryptocurrencies are and how they can be used.
With almost unlimited access to the Internet, many children, especially in developed countries, have most likely already heard about cryptocurrencies before they learn about them at school or at home. Most likely, tbtc price they may view crypto as a simple tool for making money and may have unrealistic expectations or outright misconceptions about it, which can lead to poor spending choices. If they are trained properly and these misconceptions are eliminated, they will be better prepared to interact with them properly.
Future of children
According to the expert, children need to be introduced to the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Because this is a new technology that promises to revolutionize the future of finance. And if children grow up understanding how cryptography and blockchain technologies work. They will be better prepared for the future. And, if the cryptocurrency really delivers on its promise. And most of the money ends up in the form of a cryptocurrency. Their early exposure to it will allow them to properly manage their finances.
Blockchain master’s program at MIPT, co-founder of the Atomyze tokenization platform and Newity IT company. Believes that it is easier to get used to, understand and feel new technologies if they are used “from the very beginning”. According to the expert, today’s youth grew up in the era of smartphones. Mobile applications for this generation look more natural and more convenient than desktop ones. If modern children master “crypto-literacy” – decentralized applications, Web 3.0 services, secure operations with keys, then in the future. When they enter adulthood. They will significantly better understand all the possibilities of using blockchain technologies in business. They will “feel” them. This will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the use of digital technologies in all areas.
Cryptocurrency to protect children from scammers
According to the expert, even now information technologies are the main channel for children’s education. (the MES platform), creativity (various electronic courses and even children’s online camps) and self-expression (social networks). However, in addition to the positive aspects, the Internet space also carries a number of risks to which minors are more exposed. Thus, digital reality dictates the need to educate children in the field of information relations in all areas. Why children? Because the level of digital maturity of a person is achieved not only with age. But mainly with experience and practice, and education. Digital education for children in the context of digitalization is necessary mainly to ensure their own cyber security.
Why is it not worth increasing the crypto-literacy of the younger generation?
But not all experts see the need for crypto education. Roman Shaykh , entrepreneur, CEO at MetaLamp, believes that at this point in time it makes no sense to teach crypto literacy to children. Since the market is changing very quickly. The experience of interacting with this market, interface, and product is changing. In addition, it is not known what will happen to this market in 5-10 years. How it will be regulated in different countries, and what will be the features of interaction with it.
According to the expert, it is enough to give the basics of financial literacy. And, somewhere in between, mention the crypto market as a developing industry. After all, the crypto market fundamentally works on the principles of traditional financial systems. With the exception of some individual features. Perhaps in the future, there will be more reasons to teach new generations the basics of crypto-literacy.