Fundamental Ecommerce SEO Tips for Driving Sales through Search Engines

SEO isn’t just about being in Google’s top ten. It’s about increasing traffic to your website, increasing the number of conversions, and improving customer loyalty.
For merchants who sell products online, SEO matters—a lot.
But it’s not always obvious why SEO is so important or what you can do to make sure your site gets as many (and as relevant) visitors as possible.
Here are a few tips to help you understand what SEO is and why it’s so important for your eCommerce site:
Organic traffic through search engines is one of the top sources of leads and sales for most website operators. This means that if people aren’t finding you online, you’re missing out on potential business. No matter how great your customer service or product quality is, if you aren’t showing up online, it’s hard for people to find you.
What Steps Should I Take To Increase My Ecommerce SEO?
No matter how big or small your site is, you can take a few basic SEO steps to make sure you rank as highly as possible in search engine results.
There are also a number of Ecommerce SEO tools available online, including a Google Webmaster Tools account. This is a free tool available from the world’s most popular search engine, and it allows you to see how your site is ranking for certain searches, find potential problems, and monitor your online visibility.
An effective SEO campaign takes time, but it can have a huge impact on your bottom line if you take the right steps from the beginning or you can also take guidance from eCommerce SEO experts.
It’s important to understand that while SEO can benefit any site online, some changes are more effective than others. Don’t be afraid to try new techniques, but know that it might take a little time for you to see results. There’s no “one-size-fits-all” SEO solution—you have to do what works best for your specific business and content.
Don’t forget that if you’re not seeing results or you’re confused about how to optimize your site, you can always hire an SEO professional. It’s better to invest a little money in someone who knows exactly what they’re doing than it is to waste time on trial and error tactics that may end up hurting your ecommerce search engine rankings.
After taking the time to implement proper ecommerce SEO strategies on your website, you’ll start to see how important it is to have a properly optimized site for your business.
An Ecommerce SEO Strategy
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO by its initials, is the practice of optimizing your online business for search engines. It’s essential to understand right from the start that search engine optimization isn’t a one-time job. Search engine algorithms are constantly changing, thus making it necessary to alter your model.
The good news is that you’ve found the post that discusses search engine optimization for eCommerce. This article will present to you several proven ecommerce SEO tips which are completely free, and shouldn’t take more than ten minutes of your time each to carry out.
Ecommerce SEO Tips
Utilize the One Keyword Principle
There’s a quick and easy way to follow when it comes to selecting the most appropriate keywords for your site. In order to find this one keyword, ask yourself what you believe is the one thing that customers will be utilizing in their search engines if they’re trying to locate products from your store.
You don’t have to possess a specific number of keywords, but instead, utilize the one keyword principle to make sure you are utilizing keywords that are applicable for your Ecommerce SEO. Also remember that these keywords should be sprinkled within your site’s content, not only in the headings of the page.
Utilize Long Tail Keywords
For a long time, the keywords that merchants were using within their sites were simply too generic, and therefore not likely to bring in new visitors. To make certain your site is more effective, you must utilize “long tail-keywords.” These kind words are specific and therefore should be significantly more effective in helping your site rank.
Make a List of Competitors
If you’re going to boost your online business, then you first need to know the competition that you are up against. This will allow you to make an educated decision as far as how you should market yourself, and should also help you learn any secrets that your competitors are utilizing to boost their page rank.
Stick to a Basic Blogging Strategy
Finally, blogging is an extremely powerful tool when it comes to boosting your site’s search presence online. Implementing a strict blogging strategy will guarantee that you have new material on a regular basis, and will also allow you to connect with your customers.
Remember that blogging is a long-term strategy and shouldn’t be changed because search algorithms are changing on a regular basis. Make certain this basic blog post optimization SEO tip guide is followed by you to help boost your page rank over the coming weeks, or even months!
Use Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a terrific tool to track the traffic on your site. Utilizing this service will allow you to see what keywords are working best for your page, and which ones aren’t doing so well. This will give you the ability to make changes within your site to ensure that more customers are finding you easily.
Create User-Friendly URLs
A key to boosting your page rank is making sure that customers are able to find the content they are looking for with ease when utilizing search engines. This way, when someone searches for a specific product in your store, they can quickly be directed to the right item.
Create a Blog
While the ideas listed in this post are elementary, they can also be extremely powerful if you follow them on a regular basis. We’re aware that some of these ideas may not appear to make sense at first, but simply stick with them, and your site will surely rank better online.
Utilize Word Filtering
This is a great tactic for those who are targeting products or services that may contain some potentially “risky” keywords. For example, if you had a site selling tires, and somebody was searching on Google for “how to make your tires last longer,” but they spell it wrong, without the “p” on the end. You wouldn’t want to show up for their query because it probably isn’t a good fit for your products/services.
To prevent this from happening, make sure that you utilize word filtering to give yourself an advantage over others who don’t have this strategy in place!
Backlinks are Still Important
While the way sites link to each other has changed over the years, backlinks are still an extremely effective tool in terms of boosting your page rank. Utilizing Nofollow links can be a terrific way to start this process, but it will take time before you see results. The best tip here is to simply start this process on a regular basis, and you will surely see your page rank increase over the coming weeks.
Keep Things Natural
Finally, when it comes to eCommerce SEO tips, it’s important to keep things natural. Just like organic food is better for the body than processed foods, ensuring that your content is pure and natural will allow your page rank to increase over time.
SEO for Mobile Devices
In today’s society, people are using mobile devices more than ever before. This means that you have to ensure that your site is optimized so it appears well on a variety of different smartphones and tablets. This will allow you to reach a wide audience, and in turn, expand your customer base and your profit margins in the process!
Internal Linking
Internal linking is an extremely important part of any website when it comes to ranking. This way, customers can be directed to other content within your site with ease. Many people think that this isn’t something that is necessary, but it truly can help increase your page rank and boost your traffic to higher levels.
Link Building
While we all know how powerful backlinks are when it comes to page ranking, one thing we should never forget about is link building. When starting your site, begin reaching out to other popular sites in your niche, and simply ask them to link back to you.
This is a terrific way to build links at a natural rate, which will help increase your page rank over time. The best part about this process is that it’s free!
Use Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a wonderful tool that helps you to track the traffic and customer behavior on your site. This way, you can figure out what products are selling at a higher rate than others, which will allow you to increase your profit margins over time.
Hyperlink Your Brands
When it comes to eCommerce SEO tips, it’s vitally important to make sure you use hyperlinks on your site. This will allow for each of your brands to stand out, which can help people become more familiar with them over time. There are many benefits that come with this process, which is why it’s highly recommended that you try and utilize this tactic as much as possible!
Always Check Your Content
Last but not least, make sure that whatever content you put on your site makes sense to the average user. Try and get a second or third pair of eyes to look at it before publishing anything onto your site. This will allow for mistakes to be fixed in advance, which in turn will allow your site to look more professional and user-friendly.
Think Outside the Box with Categories
Finally, when it comes to eCommerce SEO tips about categories, you should always think outside of the box with them. Try creating unique subcategories that are designed to draw in additional traffic. This can be presented to customers who are looking for an additional way to navigate your site and presented to search engines as well.
Optimization is Vital
Make sure that you have a professional optimization tool present on your site to ensure that the keywords you use are being indexed properly. This will not only help increase your page rank, but it will also help you to drive additional traffic to your site. When you use eCommerce SEO tips like optimizing your content, the results can be extremely powerful.
Maintain Proper URL Structure
Ensure that all of the URLs on your site are unique, and point directly to the specific keyword at hand. Although you can still use topic URLs, it’s much easier to rank well if the site is properly organized. Make sure that all of your content has ample keyword density, and try not to create sites where there are too many keywords within the anchor text.
Use Initial Caps for URLs When Possible
When writing the URLs for your site, be sure to use initial caps wherever possible. This will allow search engines to quickly read and crawl through them, which in turn gives you a much better chance of ranking well. It also makes it easier for customers as well!
Goal Setup
Goal setup is incredibly important when it comes to eCommerce SEO tips. Try and set up at least 10 standard goals for your site, which will allow you to track key metrics like bounce rate, average time on page per visit, etc. This way, you can improve everything about your site over time!
Add Blog Posts
Finally, try adding at least one blog post to your site per week. This will help increase the amount of useful content that you provide for customers, which in turn helps increase the amount of time they spend on your site! It’s a great way to generate more revenue, just be sure that you’re not spamming people with low-quality content!
Include Images Within Your Posts
This one is critical for eCommerce SEO tips since it will help the content on your site appear more relevant. By including images within blog posts and other pieces of useful content, you can generate a richer user experience which in turn makes people want to spend more time on your site! Including images in your articles will also help your rankings in general.
Get Social!
Lastly, try getting social with any eCommerce SEO tips to maximize their effectiveness. Try creating social accounts for your brand on places like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. This will help you to build a loyal following that will love seeing more from you, which in turn will allow them to share your content with their friends! This can be a great way to generate loyal returns over time.
- Make Use of Schema Markup
Schema markup is one of the most important aspects of eCommerce SEO tips! By including it on all of your pages you can get a leg up on the competition. Try using things like reviews, ratings, authorship, image galleries, etc. to help get this information indexed properly! When it comes to eCommerce SEO tips that are actually backed by research, schema markup is one of the best places to start!
As you can see, eCommerce SEO tips are extremely powerful. By following these 25 proven strategies, you should be able to dramatically increase your revenue over time! It’s incredibly important to stay on top of all of the latest trends and information since it changes so often.