Why advertise on Instagram?
We no longer present the social network Instagram! Founded in 2010, it’s been a few years since it topped the 1 billion monthly active user mark. Its dazzling growth and its success with Internet users can be explained in particular by its simple and quite addictive principle of use: sharing photos and short videos, where aesthetics take precedence. If you want to know all the techniques to develop your presence on this social network, you can consult our article “As a company, how to develop my presence on Instagram?”.
More and more companies have therefore been able to appropriate Instagram to highlight their activity. However, sometimes it is difficult to stand out among all the other existing accounts. To reach a large audience that is not limited only to your account subscribers, know that there is a solution: advertising. Let’s look at the benefits of getting into instagram advertising agency and why it works!
As seen previously, advertising will allow you to reach your target more easily. You should know that nearly 200 million Instagram users visit one business profile daily. A boon for brands that can exploit the potential of Instagram to make themselves known, but beware, the competition is fierce. Difficult to limit yourself to the organic reach of posts. A boost of advertising is often necessary. You will be able to effectively target the chosen people in terms of geographical and demographic data.
Instagram offers many possibilities in terms of ad format. You can then highlight your content in the way that best suits your target or the products you are promoting. It also allows you to test different things before finding the most profitable strategy.
The single image
The most common type of advertising is the image format, which allows you to share your universe with a photo that will slip into the middle of the newsfeed. To do this, we recommend you favor the square format (1:1) because the image will take up more space than if it is in the landscape.
The video
Regardless of the platform, the most impactful ad format is unquestionably video. It attracts the eye of the Internet user with dynamic and impactful content. However, be careful not to make the sound essential to understanding your advertising message or add subtitles because 40% of people watch Instagram videos on mute. As for the duration, it is possible to add videos up to 120 seconds, but it is recommended not to exceed 15 seconds.
The carousel
If you want to promote several products or show several characteristics, it is towards the carousel format that you will certainly have to turn. The same goes if you have a story to tell. Indeed, with the carousel, the Internet user has the possibility of scrolling through several images or videos and, therefore, viewing a maximum of content. For this type of format, it is important to take care not to exceed a total of 10 photos in an advertisement.
The story
You can also bet on temporary publications. For this, Facebook has set up a tool called “stories,” which allows you to publish content visible for 24 hours only. Thanks to this format, which is displayed in full screen on the smartphone, you can completely immerse the Internet user in your brand universe. Within this type of advertising, you can choose between three distinct formats: the image, the video or the carousel.
The user engagement rate on Instagram is generally higher than on Facebook. On this platform, Internet users, who are generally younger, tend to express themselves through likes or comments.
Here are some things that lead to a better engagement rate on Instagram:
- Video posts.
- Publications in which geolocation is provided.
- Posts with at least one hashtag.
- Photos show faces.
- Images that have a single dominant color.
There are two ways to create ads on Instagram: from the Facebook Ads Manager or directly from the Instagram App. Whether on one or the other, you will have access to specific targeting options that will allow you to reach the people most likely to be interested in your products or services:
Geographic data
It is possible to target people according to their geographical position (city, department, region or country).
Demographic data
Reach Internet users according to their gender, their age or the language they speak.
Refine your target according to the person’s interests, the daily applications, or the accounts they follow.
This targeting option allows you to reach Internet users based on their activities on Instagram, Facebook and outside.
Our recommendation is to work with an internet marketing agency like Mavenup Creatives to get more leads.
Lookalike and Custom Audiences
Finally, as on Facebook, it is possible to use the targeting technique based on similar and personalized audiences. Custom audiences can refer to your customer listing or people who visit your site, for example. On the other hand, a similar audience allows you to reach people similar to those in your personalized audience (for example, I decide to reach Internet users who look like my customers or prospects).
This article has confirmed your desire to get started in advertising on Instagram, but you don’t have all the keys in hand yet? First, contact us so that we can discuss your goals together. Then, our team of web marketing experts will be able to offer you the most suitable solution for your communication on the Instagram social network.
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